F.O.X Christmas Party18/12-19/12/2010
若还没为你的周末找来节目,不如约好一大班姐妹来到位于sg wang 和Sunway pyramid的parkson,F.O.X Cosmetics为你准备了一项christmas party,当天除了有各种竞赛,还有修眉服务,礼物索取等等。
还等什么,快点mark好calendar,大家一起来欢庆F.O.X Cosmetics Christmas Party
Haven't plan your weekend party?Come..date all your gals come to parkson that located at sg wang and sunway pyramid.F.O.X Cosmetics organize a christmas party for you...That day got different type of contests and early bird gift..eyebrow shapping...and so on....
Don't wait!Faster mark it into your calendar..let us celebrate F.O.X Cosmetics Christmas Party
18/12/2010 - Parkson Sg Wang 10am~10pm
19/12/2010 - Parkson Sunway Pyramid 10am~10pm