物质,金钱是给不了我幸福~ 我要幸福一辈子 Substances, money can not give me happy ~ I want a lifetime of happiness ~1/5/2010我选择了放弃一切~

- JeNNy LoW(JniE)
- Rasa, Selangor, Malaysia
- 学习笑看人生,凡是不要看得那么重... 为自己过的开心.. JnIe就是JeNNY Low~ ~把简单生活过的精彩~
The Fushion Enterprise-Special Offer
The Fushion Enterprise-Special Offer
SPECIAL OFFER On Selected Items.
Grab it ....don miss it ^^
YEO'S-Lead A Joyful Life
Yeo's - Lead A Joyful Life
1. 此項競賽主辦單位為Yeo Hiap Seng Trading Sdn Bhd。
2. 此競賽公開予所有十八歲或以上的馬來西亞公民;主辦單位所屬員工,分銷商,
3. 參賽期由2010年11月1日至2010年12月31日。
4. 欲參賽,請購買Yeo's菊花茶1公升裝或250毫升裝,或任何Yeo's飲品。每個包裝上的條形碼都
5. 參賽份數不拘,唯每份參賽資格須有足夠的分數(每份資格須有10分)。表格副本可用於參賽。
6. 每週獎品得獎者為參賽者中第28,48,68,以及88位,並附上收據正本,條形碼及答對問題者。
7. 首獎,二獎,三獎以及安慰獎將由裁判依據參賽份數和所回答問題選出。
8. 主辦單位可自行更換獎品,所有獎品不能被轉讓,或退還。
9. 所有參賽者最多只能贏取兩份獎品。即首三獎及安慰獎其中一份,以及一份每週獎品。
10. 主辦單位將通過郵寄方式通知優勝者領獎時間與地點。所有獎品須於60日內領取,逾期者恕不
11. 優勝者須同意參加任何有關的頒獎典禮。主辦單位及其代表有權在未通知的情況下免費使用
12. 裁判決定為最終決定。一切投訴恕不受理。
13. 主辦單位有權在未通知/公佈的情況下更改競賽條款。所有參賽者須遵從所更改的規則。
14. 參賽者須無條件完全遵守此競賽的條件與規則以及各項條款。參賽者須確保所填寫
PIZZA HUT-Snap & Win contest
PIZZA HUT-Snap & Win contest ContestDate:18th OCT - 3 DEC 2010
closing date : every week on friday -12pm
1. Submit your photo in JPEG (high resolution preferable) and email to 6cheesephoto@pizzahut.com.my together with full name, IC Number ,mobile number,email address . Closing date will be on Friday at 12.00pm on each week
2. Photo size cannot be bigger than 2MB
3. The submission form must be accurate and complete. Entry with incomplete submission form will be disqualified.
4. The most creative picture will be selected as a winner every week
1. The photo submitted must NOT content any of the inappropriate and sensitive issues that are against the law of Malaysia such as religion, racism, politics, drug abuse, sex etc.
2. Pizza Hut reserves the right to disqualify any contestant without any given reason.
1. The competition is open to all Malaysian
2. A contestant is allowed to submit as many photos as possible. But one contestant ONLY stands a chance to win a maximum of 1 prize.
3. Pizza Hut Restaurants Sdn. Bhd. reserves the right to substitute a prize with another prize of similar value without prior notice.
4. All the submitted photos are the property of Pizza Hut Restaurants Sdn Bhd and the contestants are NOT allowed to use the same photo for other competitions.
5. Pizza Hut Sdn Bhd reserves the absolute right to use all the submitted photos on any promotional materials such as leaflet, website, magazine, newspaper, banner, in-store poster, poster, newsletter, and in all items that falls under the promotional material category without prior notice to the contestant.
6. The organizer reserves the absolute right to use all the submitted photos for any advertising & promotional purposes, events, activities, in-store promotion, and in all purposes that falls under the advertising & promotion category without prior notice to the contestant.
7.Pizza Hut Restaurants Sdn. Bhd. reserves the right to end the contest anytime throughout the planned duration without prior notice.
8.By participating in this contest, each participant fully and unconditionally agrees to and accepts the terms and conditions. All decisions made by the judges and organizer are final and binding.No correspondence will be entertained.
9.For further enquiries, please call 03-20263388 (Mon - Fri, 10am to 5pm excluding public holidays)
closing date : every week on friday -12pm
1. Submit your photo in JPEG (high resolution preferable) and email to 6cheesephoto@pizzahut.com.my together with full name, IC Number ,mobile number,email address . Closing date will be on Friday at 12.00pm on each week
2. Photo size cannot be bigger than 2MB
3. The submission form must be accurate and complete. Entry with incomplete submission form will be disqualified.
4. The most creative picture will be selected as a winner every week
1. The photo submitted must NOT content any of the inappropriate and sensitive issues that are against the law of Malaysia such as religion, racism, politics, drug abuse, sex etc.
2. Pizza Hut reserves the right to disqualify any contestant without any given reason.
1. The competition is open to all Malaysian
2. A contestant is allowed to submit as many photos as possible. But one contestant ONLY stands a chance to win a maximum of 1 prize.
3. Pizza Hut Restaurants Sdn. Bhd. reserves the right to substitute a prize with another prize of similar value without prior notice.
4. All the submitted photos are the property of Pizza Hut Restaurants Sdn Bhd and the contestants are NOT allowed to use the same photo for other competitions.
5. Pizza Hut Sdn Bhd reserves the absolute right to use all the submitted photos on any promotional materials such as leaflet, website, magazine, newspaper, banner, in-store poster, poster, newsletter, and in all items that falls under the promotional material category without prior notice to the contestant.
6. The organizer reserves the absolute right to use all the submitted photos for any advertising & promotional purposes, events, activities, in-store promotion, and in all purposes that falls under the advertising & promotion category without prior notice to the contestant.
7.Pizza Hut Restaurants Sdn. Bhd. reserves the right to end the contest anytime throughout the planned duration without prior notice.
8.By participating in this contest, each participant fully and unconditionally agrees to and accepts the terms and conditions. All decisions made by the judges and organizer are final and binding.No correspondence will be entertained.
9.For further enquiries, please call 03-20263388 (Mon - Fri, 10am to 5pm excluding public holidays)
PIZZA HUT-Crazy about Cheese SMS contest
PIZZA HUT-Get cheesy & win RM100,000
with our Crazy about Cheese SMS contest
Hi Cheesaholics
Indulge in our latest cheesy overload with our Extreme Cheesy Lava 6 pizza. Generously coated with 6 different cheeses and stuffed with 3 explosive cheese flavours – Mozzarella, Parmesan, Cheddar.
You can also participate in our Crazy about Cheese SMS contest and stand a chance to win RM100,000, Apple iPads & Pizza Hut vouchers.
closing date
1 NOV 2010 ~ 31 DEC 2010
Participants are required to send their entries via Short Message Service (SMS) to: 33310.
PH(space)Outlet Location(space)
New IC number(space)
Receipt Date-ddmmyy(space)
Receipt Time-hhmmss (12-Hour Format)(space)
Purchase Amount (RM)
Example: PH Malim Jaya,811122004455,181010,07:53:42,46.95
For further enquiries, please call 03-5635 1391 (Mon - Fri, 10am to 5pm excluding public holidays).
Terms and Conditions
Terms and Conditions
1. This contest is open to all Malaysians, except the employees and the immediate family members of Pizza Hut Restaurants Sdn. Bhd., its promotion agencies, advertising agencies, PR agencies and its associate companies. Participant under the age of 18 must obtain parental and/ or guardian consent to participate. By participating in this Contest, such consent shall deem to have been obtained. For such Participants, Pizza Hut Restaurants Sdn. Bhd. considers it the responsibility of parents and/or guardians to monitor participants’ participation in this contest.
2. The contest period is from 1st November 2010 to 31st December 2010 (both dates inclusive).
3. Participants will be entitled to one (1) entry with a minimum purchase of RM30 and above purchased between 14th October 2010 to 31st December 2010 (both dates inclusive), which must include an Extreme Cheesy 6 product (i.e. a’la carte or combo).
4. Participants are allowed to submit as many entries as they wish.
5. Participants are required to send their entries via Short Message Service (SMS) to: 33310. Each sms entry must be completed with details in the following format in the text message:
“PHOutlet LocationNew IC numberReceipt Date-
ddmmyyReceipt Time-hhmmss(12-hrs format)Purchase Amount (RM)”
Example: PH Malim Jaya, 811122004455, 181010, 07:53:42, 46.95
6. This contest is only available to mobile users subscribed to Celcom, Digi or Maxis - 012, 013, 014, 016, 017 and 019 (“Telco Operators”). Each sms entry will be charged RM0.30 in addition to any telco operator charges.
7. A minimum purchase of RM30 and above purchased between 14th October 2010 to 31st December 2010 (both dates inclusive), which must include an Extreme Cheesy 6 product (i.e. a’la carte or combo) will be entitled to one (1) entry. Participants can only submit one (1) sms entry per receipt and the number of entries eligible will be automatically tabulated. For example, receipt with total purchase of RM30 will be entitled to one (1) entry and receipt with total purchase of RM90 will be entitled to three (3) entries.
8. Original receipt (Proof of Purchase) must be retained for verification if participant is shortlisted.
9. An entry number will be given to each qualified entry received. A computer-generated selection will be conducted to shortlist ten (10) finalists.
10. All shortlisted finalists will be contacted to answer a question via telephone. In the event the shortlisted participant is not contactable (based on a maximum of 3 attempts) or is unable to answer the question correctly, the next shortlisted participant will be contacted.
11. Successful participants are required to submit the following documents by mail (participants are encouraged to use Registered Mail/Pos Laju/Courier) to “Pizza Hut Extreme Cheesy 6 Contest 2010”, 15 Block B, Lot 756, Jalan Subang 3, 47610 Subang Jaya, Selangor D.E. within seven (7) working days upon notification:
[ a ] Original copy of receipt (proof of purchase)
[ b ] A clear legible photocopy of his/her identification card
12. The successful participant will be disqualified if he/she is unable to submit the original receipt and/or photocopy of identification card or if his/her original receipt and/or photocopy of identification card is not received after the seven (7) working days upon notification. Proof of postage is not proof of receipt. Pizza Hut will not be responsible for any lost, late or misdirected Proof of Purchase and photocopy of identification card.
13. Shortlisted finalists are required to attend a Final Challenge where only one (1) finalist will win the Grand Prize and the nine (9) other shortlisted finalists will win the Consolation Prizes. Expenses and costs incurred for the attendance at the Final Challenge shall be borne by the finalists. Shortlisted finalists must attend the Final Challenge with one (1) selected guest aged 18 years and above.
14. Prizes:
[ a ] Grand Prize x 1 winner:
[ i ] RM100, 000 prize money (to be issued in a form of a cheque) and a Consolation Prize of one (1) unit Apple iPad and RM500 worth of Pizza Hut vouchers OR
[ ii ] Consolation prize of one (1) unit Apple iPad and RM500 worth of Pizza Hut vouchers.
[ b ] Consolation Prizes x 9 winners:
one (1) unit Apple iPad and RM500 worth of Pizza Hut vouchers.
[ c ] Special Prizes:
The 10 shortlisted finalists who are valid Maybankard cardmembers and who use the Maybankard Credit Card for the purchase will stand a chance to win a Special Prize of one (1) 5 Star Resort Vacation Voucher (Local).
15. All entries must be received latest by 31st December 2010 (11.59pm). Proof of delivery of sms is not proof of receipt. Pizza Hut will not be responsible for any lost, late or misdirected sms entries.
16. Incomplete and late sms entries will be disqualified.
17. Incomplete, damaged, illegible, photocopied proof of purchase and/or identification card will be disqualified.
18. One winner is only entitled to win one prize. All prizes are not transferable or exchangeable for cash.
19. The prize presentation ceremony and the full list of winners will be made available 8 weeks after the close of the contest on the official Pizza Hut website.
20. Pizza Hut Restaurants Sdn. Bhd. reserves the right to substitute a prize with another prize of similar value without prior notice.
21. Pizza Hut Restaurants Sdn. Bhd. reserves the right to end the contest anytime throughout the planned duration without prior notice.
22. Pizza Hut Restaurants Sdn. Bhd. reserves the right to use, publish or display the names and photographs of the winners for advertising and publicity purposes in any mode of publication, distribution or display without any royalty or compensation payable to the winners. The winners may also be required to attend prize presentations and/or participate in publicity programmes. Representatives of the winners are not allowed.
23. Pizza Hut Restaurants Sdn. Bhd. may at its sole discretion amend the terms and conditions set out herein without prior notice.
24. Pizza Hut Restaurants Sdn. Bhd., all its business partners and other parties involved in this contest, including their directors, officers and/or agents are not liable in any way for the following:
a) Any additional expenses incurred for taking part in this contest;
b) Any sort of technical failure;
c) Intervention by unauthorised parties during the contest;
d) Electronic or human errors in the administration of contest and processing of entries;
e) Any entry that is lost, stolen, damaged, wrongly delivered or not received.
25. All Prize winners are fully responsible for any injuries, damages or claims resulting from their participation in this contest or from the redemption of prizes. By accepting or collecting any prize, the winner agrees to indemnify Pizza Hut Restaurants Sdn. Bhd., all its business partners, and/or other parties related to this contest, including their directors, officers, employees and agents from any claim, prosecution, judgement, damage, loss or liability incurred related to his/her participation in the contest, or his/her acceptance or redemption or use of any prize.
26. The contest Terms & Conditions are prepared in both English and Bahasa Melayu. In the event of inconsistencies between both versions of the contest Terms & Conditions, the English version shall prevail.
27. By participating in this contest, each participant fully and unconditionally agrees to and accepts the terms and conditions. All decisions made by the judges and organiser are final and binding. No correspondence will be entertained.
For further enquiries, please call 03-5635 1391 (Mon - Fri, 10am to 5pm excluding public holidays).
with our Crazy about Cheese SMS contest
Hi Cheesaholics
Indulge in our latest cheesy overload with our Extreme Cheesy Lava 6 pizza. Generously coated with 6 different cheeses and stuffed with 3 explosive cheese flavours – Mozzarella, Parmesan, Cheddar.
You can also participate in our Crazy about Cheese SMS contest and stand a chance to win RM100,000, Apple iPads & Pizza Hut vouchers.
closing date
1 NOV 2010 ~ 31 DEC 2010
Participants are required to send their entries via Short Message Service (SMS) to: 33310.
PH(space)Outlet Location(space)
New IC number(space)
Receipt Date-ddmmyy(space)
Receipt Time-hhmmss (12-Hour Format)(space)
Purchase Amount (RM)
Example: PH Malim Jaya,811122004455,181010,07:53:42,46.95
For further enquiries, please call 03-5635 1391 (Mon - Fri, 10am to 5pm excluding public holidays).
Terms and Conditions
Terms and Conditions
1. This contest is open to all Malaysians, except the employees and the immediate family members of Pizza Hut Restaurants Sdn. Bhd., its promotion agencies, advertising agencies, PR agencies and its associate companies. Participant under the age of 18 must obtain parental and/ or guardian consent to participate. By participating in this Contest, such consent shall deem to have been obtained. For such Participants, Pizza Hut Restaurants Sdn. Bhd. considers it the responsibility of parents and/or guardians to monitor participants’ participation in this contest.
2. The contest period is from 1st November 2010 to 31st December 2010 (both dates inclusive).
3. Participants will be entitled to one (1) entry with a minimum purchase of RM30 and above purchased between 14th October 2010 to 31st December 2010 (both dates inclusive), which must include an Extreme Cheesy 6 product (i.e. a’la carte or combo).
4. Participants are allowed to submit as many entries as they wish.
5. Participants are required to send their entries via Short Message Service (SMS) to: 33310. Each sms entry must be completed with details in the following format in the text message:
Example: PH Malim Jaya, 811122004455, 181010, 07:53:42, 46.95
6. This contest is only available to mobile users subscribed to Celcom, Digi or Maxis - 012, 013, 014, 016, 017 and 019 (“Telco Operators”). Each sms entry will be charged RM0.30 in addition to any telco operator charges.
7. A minimum purchase of RM30 and above purchased between 14th October 2010 to 31st December 2010 (both dates inclusive), which must include an Extreme Cheesy 6 product (i.e. a’la carte or combo) will be entitled to one (1) entry. Participants can only submit one (1) sms entry per receipt and the number of entries eligible will be automatically tabulated. For example, receipt with total purchase of RM30 will be entitled to one (1) entry and receipt with total purchase of RM90 will be entitled to three (3) entries.
8. Original receipt (Proof of Purchase) must be retained for verification if participant is shortlisted.
9. An entry number will be given to each qualified entry received. A computer-generated selection will be conducted to shortlist ten (10) finalists.
10. All shortlisted finalists will be contacted to answer a question via telephone. In the event the shortlisted participant is not contactable (based on a maximum of 3 attempts) or is unable to answer the question correctly, the next shortlisted participant will be contacted.
11. Successful participants are required to submit the following documents by mail (participants are encouraged to use Registered Mail/Pos Laju/Courier) to “Pizza Hut Extreme Cheesy 6 Contest 2010”, 15 Block B, Lot 756, Jalan Subang 3, 47610 Subang Jaya, Selangor D.E. within seven (7) working days upon notification:
[ a ] Original copy of receipt (proof of purchase)
[ b ] A clear legible photocopy of his/her identification card
12. The successful participant will be disqualified if he/she is unable to submit the original receipt and/or photocopy of identification card or if his/her original receipt and/or photocopy of identification card is not received after the seven (7) working days upon notification. Proof of postage is not proof of receipt. Pizza Hut will not be responsible for any lost, late or misdirected Proof of Purchase and photocopy of identification card.
13. Shortlisted finalists are required to attend a Final Challenge where only one (1) finalist will win the Grand Prize and the nine (9) other shortlisted finalists will win the Consolation Prizes. Expenses and costs incurred for the attendance at the Final Challenge shall be borne by the finalists. Shortlisted finalists must attend the Final Challenge with one (1) selected guest aged 18 years and above.
14. Prizes:
[ a ] Grand Prize x 1 winner:
[ i ] RM100, 000 prize money (to be issued in a form of a cheque) and a Consolation Prize of one (1) unit Apple iPad and RM500 worth of Pizza Hut vouchers OR
[ ii ] Consolation prize of one (1) unit Apple iPad and RM500 worth of Pizza Hut vouchers.
[ b ] Consolation Prizes x 9 winners:
one (1) unit Apple iPad and RM500 worth of Pizza Hut vouchers.
[ c ] Special Prizes:
The 10 shortlisted finalists who are valid Maybankard cardmembers and who use the Maybankard Credit Card for the purchase will stand a chance to win a Special Prize of one (1) 5 Star Resort Vacation Voucher (Local).
15. All entries must be received latest by 31st December 2010 (11.59pm). Proof of delivery of sms is not proof of receipt. Pizza Hut will not be responsible for any lost, late or misdirected sms entries.
16. Incomplete and late sms entries will be disqualified.
17. Incomplete, damaged, illegible, photocopied proof of purchase and/or identification card will be disqualified.
18. One winner is only entitled to win one prize. All prizes are not transferable or exchangeable for cash.
19. The prize presentation ceremony and the full list of winners will be made available 8 weeks after the close of the contest on the official Pizza Hut website.
20. Pizza Hut Restaurants Sdn. Bhd. reserves the right to substitute a prize with another prize of similar value without prior notice.
21. Pizza Hut Restaurants Sdn. Bhd. reserves the right to end the contest anytime throughout the planned duration without prior notice.
22. Pizza Hut Restaurants Sdn. Bhd. reserves the right to use, publish or display the names and photographs of the winners for advertising and publicity purposes in any mode of publication, distribution or display without any royalty or compensation payable to the winners. The winners may also be required to attend prize presentations and/or participate in publicity programmes. Representatives of the winners are not allowed.
23. Pizza Hut Restaurants Sdn. Bhd. may at its sole discretion amend the terms and conditions set out herein without prior notice.
24. Pizza Hut Restaurants Sdn. Bhd., all its business partners and other parties involved in this contest, including their directors, officers and/or agents are not liable in any way for the following:
a) Any additional expenses incurred for taking part in this contest;
b) Any sort of technical failure;
c) Intervention by unauthorised parties during the contest;
d) Electronic or human errors in the administration of contest and processing of entries;
e) Any entry that is lost, stolen, damaged, wrongly delivered or not received.
25. All Prize winners are fully responsible for any injuries, damages or claims resulting from their participation in this contest or from the redemption of prizes. By accepting or collecting any prize, the winner agrees to indemnify Pizza Hut Restaurants Sdn. Bhd., all its business partners, and/or other parties related to this contest, including their directors, officers, employees and agents from any claim, prosecution, judgement, damage, loss or liability incurred related to his/her participation in the contest, or his/her acceptance or redemption or use of any prize.
26. The contest Terms & Conditions are prepared in both English and Bahasa Melayu. In the event of inconsistencies between both versions of the contest Terms & Conditions, the English version shall prevail.
27. By participating in this contest, each participant fully and unconditionally agrees to and accepts the terms and conditions. All decisions made by the judges and organiser are final and binding. No correspondence will be entertained.
For further enquiries, please call 03-5635 1391 (Mon - Fri, 10am to 5pm excluding public holidays).
LoseWeight?Slimming?why not ??
Lose up to 5kg between in 3month ?
don waste $ + don waste time?
Refer the link ,u can know anymore !
Lose up to 5kg between in 3month ?
don waste $ + don waste time?
Refer the link ,u can know anymore !
approved by singapore lab test ^^v
100%+100% no SIDE EFFECT
OISHII package at Sakae Sushi Malaysia
Sakae Sushi Malaysia
Christmas is around the corner,
thinking of getting a gift for your love ones?
get a gift of GOOD taste!the long-waited OISHII package is now available!
check out with all Sakae Sushi Outlets today ♥ (while stock last)
grab it hurry up
NOV 2010-starbucks Products !!!
Starbucks new products....Nov 2010
haVE U trial ?? how THE tasTe ???
starbucks : i always look forward to christmas ....
jenny: i always look forward to starbucks...
how about u all ??
thanks ....starbucks + carrotmilk ^^
haVE U trial ?? how THE tasTe ???
starbucks : i always look forward to christmas ....
jenny: i always look forward to starbucks...
how about u all ??
i will try 2 type new on next week ....
coz i have get carrot milk prize ....
thanks ....starbucks + carrotmilk ^^
3度得奖^^v Carrotmilk
4th week OCT 2010-----------------------i get won
Special Prizes Winners
in carrotmilk event questionnaires....
a PAIR of Starbucks RM10 Vouchers^^
im feel im so lucky in carrotmilk life again x2 ! ^^
maybe that is bcoz of ....i love carrot + milk jus....XD
anywhere,i jus wan to say
" i love carrotmilk" forever ^^ again x2!
starbucks,i love you too ^^....waiting for me ...
i be right back again x2 ! ^^v
pls support http://www.carrotmilk.com.my/ again!
Share your HAPPINESS O.O again x2!
2度得奖^^v Carrotmilk
3rd week JULY 2010
i get won
Special Prizes Winners
in carrotmilk event questionnaires....
a PAIR of Starbucks RM10 Vouchers^^
im feel im so lucky in carrotmilk life again! ^^
maybe that is bcoz of ....i love carrot + milk jus....XD
anywhere,i jus wan to say " i love carrotmilk" forever ^^ again!
starbucks,i love you too ^^....waiting for me ...
i be right back again ! ^^v
pls support http://www.carrotmilk.com.my/ again!
Share your HAPPINESS O.O again!
KFC drive thru GiFT
这手表是在kfc drive thru(kepong) 消费超过RM20送的~
最重要的是~一定要有kfc drive thru 的帖子哦~
Oct 2010-Chingching Jnie so lucky ^^v
Zinger Time by KFC ....thanks ^^
最重要的是~一定要有kfc drive thru 的帖子哦~
Oct 2010-Chingching Jnie so lucky ^^v
Zinger Time by KFC ....thanks ^^
~珍妮's 好康~,
惊喜惊喜^^v suprise *.*
惊喜惊喜^^v suprise *.*
to all penang lang : who need a job ^^
To all penang lang : who need a job ^^
for hair stylist with at least two years of experience
RM1500 + 10% commission + group target incentiveinterested?
please contact Mr. Low at 042810508
for hair stylist with at least two years of experience
RM1500 + 10% commission + group target incentiveinterested?
please contact Mr. Low at 042810508
De' Western Rangers Cafe
im wake up at 2.30pm coz heavy raining until 喷雨~
alone enjoy hi-tea at d'western cafe with
fried turnip cake & french toast & ying yong in hong kong style~
pls don kacau kacau n non stop calling ,pls let me enjoy my life !
today kitchen OFF ~ thanks you ^^ vs^^ arigato~
hubby said : tonight go sri petaling pasar malam,
eat wat u wan to eat , buy wat u wan to buy ~
sweet heart ^^
coz raining day for me is best no going out n relax for us ~
but raining today i gotta go for hi-tea coz i promise my self i have to relax since today kitchen off ~
finally ,i choose this cafe !
De' Western Rangers Cafe
De' Western Rangers Cafe's menu on following ~ price ,quality,quantity all is ok ~fair to consumer ^^

waiting for wat ???
hurry up~Do not let yourself regret XD
De' Western Rangers Cafe
23g-,23-1 & 23-2,Jalan Damai Perdana 1/9D,Bandar Damai Perdana,
56100 Cheras ,KL.03-9105 3905

RM 20.00 就足够6人的晚餐~
把蛋煎了倒下茄汁豆再加一点maggie chili就可以了~
P/S: 心情不好还是很差~身体还是很痒TT
![]() |
炸云吞,汤云吞,菜脯虾米炒鬼豆,鸡蛋茄汁豆~ (云吞很黑因为老公要吃脆脆的) 谢谢大9母的包云吞教学~谢谢谢谢 来看看吧^^v 炸云吞,汤云吞 |
菜脯虾米炒鬼 鸡蛋茄汁豆

RM 20.00 就足够6人的晚餐~
把蛋煎了倒下茄汁豆再加一点maggie chili就可以了~
P/S: 心情不好还是很差~身体还是很痒TT
我弟在前一天已经“责骂”我,说我的朋友:ur fren no pay XXX money ...
人家在忙event不等空接电话是因为人家是event planner,weekend都有event/function的~
这是comment sense,想也想到吧?
我的大弟竟然写了一句:no nit ur help,fuk....
is you all give me the hurt !!!!!!
我弟在前一天已经“责骂”我,说我的朋友:ur fren no pay XXX money ...
人家在忙event不等空接电话是因为人家是event planner,weekend都有event/function的~
这是comment sense,想也想到吧?
我的大弟竟然写了一句:no nit ur help,fuk....
is you all give me the hurt !!!!!!
拜金~11 November 2010
“快速吸脂 14天见效” - -脂肪控制礙胶 RM 138.00
“快速吸脂 14天见效” - -脂肪控制礙胶 RM 138.00
11/11/2010-“快速吸脂 14天见效” - -脂肪控制礙胶 RM 138.00 |
“快速吸脂 14天见效” - -脂肪控制礙胶
配合WL in 2效果更好,20天收腰3寸,瘦到你尖叫!
URSPA active cellulite control gel is an unique thermogenic action gel with an active ingredients that increases body temperature, enchances blood circulation and lymphatic drainage in the body by stimulates and produces rapid breakdown and slimination against stubborn fat cells.
A heating sensation may occur and the action will stay in the body up to 12 hours after temperature.
This active gel not only slimm down the body but it also helps to reshape the body by its own natural toning effect and leave skin firm and supple.
DIRECTION: Roll a thin layer of gel onto a clean skin which are cellulite - prone area
( hips, buttocks, thighs, upper arms, tummy & waist ).
Gel will be absorbed within a few minutes. Its action will last 8 - 12 hours.
75ml....1 bottle can last for 3 month~~~
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