
我学会知足,得到常乐... 我学习珍惜别人对我的好,记录你们给我的一切... 感谢上天给我的一切,即使曾经拥有!! 别人对我们的好,不是理所当然的,要学会珍惜~ 感恩现在拥有的一切!!!


Rasa, Selangor, Malaysia
学习笑看人生,凡是不要看得那么重... 为自己过的开心.. JnIe就是JeNNY Low~ ~把简单生活过的精彩~


Wyeth: Free S-26 Sample Sachet

We at Wyeth Nutrition have always relied on our littlest customers to inspire our best thinking and greatest advances in producing high quality pediatric nutritional products.
This has led us to focus on age-appropriate formulations that meet the nutritional needs of children up to seven years old.

Wyeth name is synonymous with excellence, achievement & commitment to children's health, which explains Wyeth's tagline 'Always Advancing' - a promise to parents and healthcare professionals to provide quality nutritional products that meet the needs of children through out the world. With over 90 years of research and development, we had made considerable nutritional improvements to our stable of brands.

Today we offer a growing family of nutritional products that includes:
S-26 MAMA, the nutritious beverage that supplement the diets of pregnant and breastfeeding women
Our premium range of Growing Up Milk – S-26 Progress Gold for children aged 1-3 years,
and S-26 Promise Gold  for children 3-7 years old.
A standard range of Growing Up Milk – S-26 Progress for ages 1-3 years,
and S-26 Promise for ages 3-7
Request your sample  here

